Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kirby, Kirby, mother &*@*ing Kirby.

Kirby. We know him. We love him. He's the tiny pink protector of Dreamland and it's denizens. He's also an intergalactic, world eating tyrant of Galactus proportions! I'm going to show you why. Listen well...

OK, Kirby has been stated by Nintendo to be an alien who came to dreamland. Let's take a look at the first Kirby game, shall we? For best results, let's put it in realistic terms.

Kirby lands on the earth's surface and begins to plow through humanity, eating people who had done nothing to him and gaining their knowledge. Causing mass amounts of property damage, I.E., breaking blocks and floors with a FREAKING HAMMER at some points. Lighting various objects on fire all in his never ending pursuit of destruction. He gets through seven levels, or our seven continents, and kills all who oppose him, as well as eating up all of their food supplies. He sets up death AND famine! At the end of each stage, he takes out a boss or the best military force in said continent until he gets up to stage 6, orange ocean. There he encounters another alien, I.E. EFFING SUPERMAN((Meta Knight)), and beats the piss out of him. Going on to stage 7, where he kills DeDeDe, and the Dark Mind. These could more than likely be assumed the President and the Vice President. The game over screen at the end is a very happy Kirby! Truth be told, he raped the planet, ate all the food, and exterminated all life! KIRBY KILLED SUPERMAN AND DESTROYED THE WORLD!

Oh, Kirby, how could you....?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An answer to a previous post.

I recently talked about Sonic Unleashed and how the Werehog could be bad! BEHOLD! The answer to all your fears regarding this game. This is the end of this post. Watch the video and put your mind at ease.

Monday, July 14, 2008

E3 Cometh! Brace yourselves Sonic Fans...!

The Electronic Entertainment Expo, E3 for short, will begin less than a day from now! This is the time where game companies showcase the games we'll be looking forward to for the next year or two. While there are many impressive titles coming out this year such as Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World and Gears of War 2 , there's also one more title that has QUITE a lot riding on it. I'm referring to Sega's latest attempt to save their speedy blue mascot: Sonic Unleashed.

We all know that Sonic hasn't had the best of luck with this generation's consoles. While Sonic and The Secret Rings received MOSTLY good reviews, it wasn't enough to put everyone's favorite anthropomorphic hedgehog back on track. Especially after following the game most people refer to as "Sonic: The Disaster".

After this recent torrent of average to horrible games, many fans of the series have become jaded and cynical beyond all help. Can you blame them, though? After being disappointed that thoroughly so many times, you're bound to change your outlook on a lot of things. There may be hope yet, however. This latest title promises to return the series to it's roots. This means loops, speed, and 2D platforming. It's all there, as well as a few 3D segments that are reminiscent of the Adventure series. All in all, it looks pretty promising! There's just one gripe that most people have...

Apparently, Sonic transforms into a beast that people are calling "The Werehog" when the sun goes down. People compare this werewolf-esque transformation to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and how Link changes into a wolf when exposed to twilight. Personally, this "were hog" looks more apelike to me. Kinda like Sonic on a roid rage..

Anyway, this could be the first step towards a recovery for Sega and their mascot... However, if this game bombs as hard as most of his recent titles... It could be the final nail in Sonic's coffin. Only time will tell...

Here's a collection of videos related to Sonic Unleashed if you haven't seen them yet.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Diddy reviews "Hancock"... and looks like an ass while doing so.

I'm certain more than a few of you have seen Sean Combs/P. Diddy/Puffy/Puff Daddy/Diddy/whatever the hell he's calling himself these days' review of Will Smith's new movie "Hancock". If not, then allow me to show you.

...Wait, did he just say that there were NEVER any black superheroes? Wow, it seems every time this guy opens his mouth, he manages to prove his ignorance. Hold on, isn't there a website featuring most if not all of the comic industry's black super heroes? Honestly, I could type up at least four paragraphs to answer this stupidity. To save us both some time, I think I'll just provide some examples as to why this guy obviously doesn't know a damn thing about what he's talking about. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you...


The Green Lantern (John Stewart)

War Machine (James Rhodes)

The Falcon (Sam Wilson)

The Black Panther (T'challa)

Blade (Eric Brooks) Seriously, how the hell did he miss this?! Blade had three movies and a television mini series!

Luke Cage/Power Man (Carl Lucas)

Spawn (Albert Francis Simmons)

The list goes on and on... The truth comes down to two things. The first being that there are TONS of black superheroes in the comic industry. The second is that you could take ANY of the previously mentioned heroes and watch them beat Hancock to a bloody pulp... Especially Spawn.

Diddy's statements were completely unfounded and looked like a sad attempt at getting a little face time in the media. Needless to say, this was a failure of epic proportions. I swear, this is one the best examples of people who need to keep their mouths SHUT.